空間媒體實驗室 Spatial Media Group


HexDeck: Gamification of Tangibles for Brainstoming

HexDeck: Gamification of Tangibles for Brainstoming

The Twins: Lighting Design Based on Rich Movements

The Twins: Lighting Design Based on Rich Movements

InTouch: Crossing Social Interaction with Perception

InTouch: Crossing Social Interaction with Perception



互動設計中的實用主義詩學 from Rung-Huei Liang

Paradigm Construction & Manifestos in interaction design

Paradigm Construction & Manifestos in interaction design

Interaction Design Paradigms

Interaction Design Paradigms



Send care to a place for sdc2013

Send care to a place for sdc2013

Send care to a place for sdc2013 from 豊儒 駱

Tangible interaction 2011 spring

Tangible interaction 2011 spring

Tangible interaction 2011 spring from Rung-Huei Liang   Tangible Interaction Design Course at NTU & NTUST, 2011 Spring

基本設計 2011 spring

基本設計 2011 spring

基本設計 2011 spring from Rung-Huei Liang Basic Design Course at NTUST, spring 2011

Antiquarian Answers: Book Restoration as a Resource for Design

Antiquarian Answers: Book Restoration as a Resource for Design

cite: Daniela K. Rosner and Alex S. Taylor. 2011. Antiquarian answers: book restoration as a resource for design. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2665-2668. DOI=10.1145/1978942.1979332 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1978942.1979332 本論文的作者歷經了三個月的書籍裝訂的學徒生涯,從中認知到了為什麼東西值得被修復,從這個理由開始回頭檢視互動產品,並提出兩點設計建議。

How Body metter five themes for interaction design

How Body metter five themes for interaction design

http://www.slideshare.net/CrazyLion/howbodymatter-presentation   Our physical bodies play a central role in shaping human experience in the world, understanding of the world, and interactions in the world. This paper draws on theories of embodiment — from psychology, sociology, and philosophy — synthesizing five themes we believe are particularly salient for interaction design: thinking through doing, performance, visibility, […]

180 x 120: DesigningAlternate Location Systems

180 x 120: DesigningAlternate Location Systems

2008 08.12 180 X 120 Designing Alternate Location Systems from Yu Alex   此篇paper以不同於傳統地方研究的出發點去創造這個地點的感知系統 以四點設計中心為出發點分別是:Ignore Quality and Reliability 、Celebrate the Loss of Privacy 、Integrate Physical Architecture into the Output 、Crowd Generation of Public Digest Artifacts 。 讓研究地點不再是制式的使用gps去精準的定出你的位置,並且可以隱藏自己等

The Anatomy Of Prototypes

The Anatomy Of Prototypes

The Anatomy Of Prototypes Fontall from Chris Lee The role of prototypes is well established in the field of HCI and Design. A lack of knowledge, however, about the fundamental nature of prototypes still exists. Researchers have attempted to identify different types of prototypes, such as low- vs. high-fidelity prototypes, but these attempts have centered […]