空間媒體實驗室 Spatial Media Group

Archive for November, 2009

The Pet’s Clock

The Pet’s Clock

BonChu Jerry Huang, Reflection Members and Hsien-Hui Tang The solid stuff is always used in products that way gave us reflection in our sleeping. By choosing soft things to replace them, we created the pet’s clock: Bon Chu. The user can manipulate its functions through raising both hands. Then, the time is projected on the […]

MemoIcon: Using Everyday Objects as Physical Icons

MemoIcon: Using Everyday Objects as Physical Icons

MemoIcon increases productivity with a new interaction method based on pattern recognition and multi-touch techniques. It easily binds virtual information to everyday real objects and transforms them into physical icons that embody virtual tasks as tangible items. Virtual information becomes tangible and physically present. The system is easy to learn, because the iconifying process is […]

Unite the public and private: Creating the interaction map with sociability

Unite the public and private: Creating the interaction map with sociability

網路由傳統的私人、封閉的Web1.0進入公開、分享的Web2.0之後。 各式新型的應用相繼出現,電子地圖正是其典型的應用。Web2.0的公開 分享的概念也使得資訊的獲得和呈現相當地多元和豐富,但資訊不斷的 疊加也使得其承載過多但不一定有用的資訊,此外傳統地圖是以尋路 (wayfinding)為其根本出發點,但人們在生活中的移動並不是如此的簡單。   全文:paper

Msn’s Talk

Msn’s Talk

保溫瓶中容量為使用者一天中所需飲用之健康水量。保溫瓶外觀所發光面積為壺中所有水量,在24小時之間發光由白變黑代表一天,當換入新的飲用水,發光的顏 色將混入前一天所剩之黑色比例,故如長期未預期喝完水,使用者的皮膚就像保溫瓶發出的光一樣不再健康。 以USB方式提供發光及保溫、冷藏等電能,不用另外找插座。